Samarinda to Jayapura
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Flight from Samarinda (SRI) to Jayapura (DJJ)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to buy flight tickets Samarinda to Jayapura via Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets Samarinda to Jayapura on Traveloka is very easy. You just have to open the Traveloka website or Traveloka App and select "Flights". Choose flight tickets according to your travel needs, starting from the departure date, route Samarinda to Jayapura, to the airline.
When is the best time to book flight tickets Samarinda to Jayapura via Traveloka?
You can book your flight tickets Samarinda to Jayapura anytime you want. The earlier you book the flight ticket Samarinda to Jayapura, the better for you.
How to reschedule my Samarinda to Jayapura Flight booking?
    There are two types of reschedules that you can use, the first is the Regular Reschedule and the second one is Reschedule+. Basically, the two options have the same steps, but in a particular step, you need to choose between Regular Reschedule and Reschedule+. Please follow this guide for more detailed information:
    1. Go to your Traveloka App homepage and tap Bookings.
    2. Open your e-ticket for the flight you want to reschedule. Go to the Manage Booking section and tap Reschedule.
    3. You will be directed to the Flight List, tap Continue to Select Flight(s).
    4. Tick the flight(s) and passenger(s) that you want to reschedule.
    5. Below, you will see the Reschedule Type section. You can choose between Regular Reschedule or Reschedule+.
    6. Once you’ve selected the type of reschedule you want, tap Continue.
    7. Please read the Reschedule Terms & Conditions. After you’ve finished, tick I agree to the Reschedule Policy, then tap Continue.
    8. Now you will need to fill in the details to search for your new flight. Once you’ve finished, tap Search.
    9. Pick one of the newly available flights that suits your needs.
    10. After you’ve selected your new flight, you need to review the new flight and price details.
    11. If everything is already in place, tap Continue to move to the payment process.
    12. Choose your preferred payment method and complete your payment.
    13. Once your payment is received and the process is completed, find your new e-ticket on the Bookings page and your email.
How to refund my Samarinda to Jayapura Flight booking?
    For an easier refund process, make sure to log in to your Traveloka account when booking. Then, follow these steps to request your refund:
    1. Log in or register to Traveloka
    Log in to the Traveloka account used during booking. If you don't have an account, please register to Traveloka using the same email used to make the booking.
    2. Open your e-ticket through My Booking
    Go to My Booking and choose the booking you wish to refund. Then, click Refund.
    3. Read your refund policy and estimation.
    You will be able to see the refund policy for your booking, as well as the refund amount estimation. Then, you can click Start My Refund.
    4. Complete your refund details and documents
    Select the flight and passenger(s) you wish to refund. Make sure to select the correct refund reason, and to upload the relevant supporting documents (if applicable).
    5. Submit your refund request
    Review your refund details and click Submit Refund. Your refund request will then be reviewed by Traveloka, and forwarded to the airline.
How long the duration of flights from Samarinda to Jayapura?
The flight from Samarinda to Jayapura will take around 0 hr(s) 0 mins.
What airlines serve Samarinda to Jayapura flights?
There are various best airlines that serve Samarinda to Jayapura flight routes. You can directly check the airline that serves Samarinda to Jayapura route by searching for flight tickets on Traveloka. Let's book Samarinda flight tickets to Jayapura and enjoy a comfortable trip with Traveloka.

Flight from Samarinda (SRI) to Jayapura (DJJ)

Flight Ticket from Samarinda to Jayapura

Traveling from Samarinda to Jayapura offers several flight options with transfers. Passengers have the option of flying with one or two transfers, depending on their preference. The duration of a flight from Samarinda to Jayapura varies depending on the number of transfers chosen by passengers. Ranging from around 18 hours 40 minutes to 21 hours 15 minutes, passengers have the flexibility to customize their travel schedule.

Some of the airlines available for this route include Super Air Jet, Citilink, Sriwijaya Air, and Lion Air. With the variety of airlines on offer, passengers have the opportunity to choose an airline that suits their preferences and travel needs. Each airline has different policies, so it is important for passengers to check carefully before booking a ticket.

When planning a trip, ticket prices are a factor to consider carefully. Based on the data, the month of May offers varying ticket prices, starting from IDR 3,713,919 per passenger. As such, you may want to consider booking your tickets early to find the best price for your needs.

About Airport in Destination and Arrival City

The journey from Samarinda to Jayapura starts from APT Pranoto airport in Samarinda as the departure airport. Furthermore, passengers will transit in Makassar before continuing the journey to Sentani airport in Jayapura. The total duration of the trip is 18 hours 40 minutes with 1 transit in Makassar.

About Arrival City

Jayapura, the capital of Papua Province, offers a unique natural charm and a rich culture. The city is located on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, bordering Papua New Guinea, and surrounded by natural beauty such as lakes and hills. For travelers interested in exploring the eastern side of the archipelago, Jayapura offers a variety of tourist destinations worth visiting.

One of the main attractions in Jayapura is Lake Sentani, which is famous for its enchanting green savannah. From Puncak Ifar, visitors can enjoy a beautiful panorama of the lake as well as exotic sunsets. However, it is advisable to avoid visiting the lake at night due to safety factors.

In addition, beautiful beaches such as Tablanusu Beach and Pasir Enam Beach also attract tourists. With its alluring white sand and mesmerizing natural panorama, these beaches are a suitable place to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty of Papua.

The difference in flight ticket prices from Samarinda to Jayapura is influenced by different passenger seasons. Regular months tend to have low prices because airlines want to fill the passenger quota. While the holiday season tends to have more expensive ticket prices to Jayapura. In addition, festival agendas can generally affect airfares to Jayapura because they increase the interest of visitors who want to fly there.

Not only its natural charm, Jayapura also regularly holds various interesting cultural events and festivals. One of them is the Lake Sentani Festival held in the middle of the year. The festival is a celebration of the traditional heritage of the Sentani indigenous people and an important part of the local government's tourism agenda.

The festival aims to highlight various local wisdoms. For example, you can recognize sago as a local food that has high historical and cultural value for the people of Papua. Of course, the experience of visiting Papua will be complete because you can be part of the dynamic life of the people who embrace differences.

Flight Ticket from Samarinda to Jayapura

Traveling from Samarinda to Jayapura offers several flight options with transfers. Passengers have the option of flying with one or two transfers, depending on their preference. The duration of a flight from Samarinda to Jayapura varies depending on the number of transfers chosen by passengers. Ranging from around 18 hours 40 minutes to 21 hours 15 minutes, passengers have the flexibility to customize their travel schedule.

Some of the airlines available for this route include Super Air Jet, Citilink, Sriwijaya Air, and Lion Air. With the variety of airlines on offer, passengers have the opportunity to choose an airline that suits their preferences and travel needs. Each airline has different policies, so it is important for passengers to check carefully before booking a ticket.

When planning a trip, ticket prices are a factor to consider carefully. Based on the data, the month of May offers varying ticket prices, starting from IDR 3,713,919 per passenger. As such, you may want to consider booking your tickets early to find the best price for your needs.

About Airport in Destination and Arrival City

The journey from Samarinda to Jayapura starts from APT Pranoto airport in Samarinda as the departure airport. Furthermore, passengers will transit in Makassar before continuing the journey to Sentani airport in Jayapura. The total duration of the trip is 18 hours 40 minutes with 1 transit in Makassar.

About Arrival City

Jayapura, the capital of Papua Province, offers a unique natural charm and a rich culture. The city is located on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, bordering Papua New Guinea, and surrounded by natural beauty such as lakes and hills. For travelers interested in exploring the eastern side of the archipelago, Jayapura offers a variety of tourist destinations worth visiting.

One of the main attractions in Jayapura is Lake Sentani, which is famous for its enchanting green savannah. From Puncak Ifar, visitors can enjoy a beautiful panorama of the lake as well as exotic sunsets. However, it is advisable to avoid visiting the lake at night due to safety factors.

In addition, beautiful beaches such as Tablanusu Beach and Pasir Enam Beach also attract tourists. With its alluring white sand and mesmerizing natural panorama, these beaches are a suitable place to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty of Papua.

The difference in flight ticket prices from Samarinda to Jayapura is influenced by different passenger seasons. Regular months tend to have low prices because airlines want to fill the passenger quota. While the holiday season tends to have more expensive ticket prices to Jayapura. In addition, festival agendas can generally affect airfares to Jayapura because they increase the interest of visitors who want to fly there.

Not only its natural charm, Jayapura also regularly holds various interesting cultural events and festivals. One of them is the Lake Sentani Festival held in the middle of the year. The festival is a celebration of the traditional heritage of the Sentani indigenous people and an important part of the local government's tourism agenda.

The festival aims to highlight various local wisdoms. For example, you can recognize sago as a local food that has high historical and cultural value for the people of Papua. Of course, the experience of visiting Papua will be complete because you can be part of the dynamic life of the people who embrace differences.

Flight Duration

0 hr(s) 0 mins

Airport in Jayapura

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