Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing
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Flight from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing?
Planning to take off from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from , along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Beijing?
Looking for the best deals to Beijing? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Beijing without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing?
Traveling from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Beijing's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing?
0 hour(s) and 0 minutes is the shortest flight time from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing.

Flight from Kalibo - Boracay to Beijing

The capital city of the People's Republic of China, Beijing, is the centre of the nation’s politics, economics and cultures. Besides being the centre for politics, economics and cultures, Beijing is also a vital transportation hub and port of entry. This is due to the city’s location that is in the north of China with close proximity to the port city of Tianjin. Being one of the six ancient cities in China, Beijing is undeniably rich of ancient history and other discoveries to delight and intrigue travellers. The city’s modern development also makes it even more exciting to witness. Finally, if all those reasons aren't enough to finalise your decision, the city is a large rail hub – an affordable yet convenient way to travel around the city.

Best time to fly from Kalibo, Boracay to Beijing

All the major landmarks and tourist attractions in Beijing are open all year round so you can plan your itinerary any time of the year. However, if you prefer to schedule your visit during pleasant weather, then an ideal time to fly to Beijing for a vacation is during the autumn season. Autumn season lasts from September till November. This is when the skies are clear and blue, temperatures are mild and when you can avoid the hordes of domestic tourists.

Main airports available in Kalibo, Boracay and Beijing

Kalibo International Airport – Situated only 2 kilometres away from the main city of Kalibo, the Kalibo International Airport is the main terminal operating international and domestic flights to the city, its surrounding area and Boracay. Being one of two airports serving the well-known tourist destination, Boracay, the Kalibo International Airport caters flights to and from various major cities in the country and also internationally such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur.

Beijing Capital International Airport – Located approximately 32 kilometres northeast of Beijing's city centre is the primary airport serving the city of Beijing. Commonly known by its locals as Capital Airport or Beijing Airport, the Beijing Capital International Airport is one of Asia's busiest airport terminals in terms of passenger traffic. Airline carriers which operate to and from the terminal include Air China, China Southern Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Philippine Airlines, and more.

Climate Pattern in Kalibo, Boracay and Beijing

The monsoon heavily influences the city of Beijing's climate, overall, the climate is recognised as a humid continental climate. The city experiences the typical East Asian hot, humid summers and cold, windy, dry winters that is also influenced by the monsoon. Spring season can sometimes bear witness to sandstorms which hail from the Mongolian Gobi Desert. Autumn season promises the most pleasant temperatures as it is a season of transition and minimal variations.

Highlights attractions in Beijing

  • Beijing Great Wall – China’s signature landmark and attraction that is well known across the globe, Beijing Great Wall or otherwise known as the Great Wall of China, is definitely a must-do activity when you are visiting this city. The Great Wall is divided into a few sections. Some are more touristy and over-crowded, while others are underrated. In Chinese history, Beijing was not only one of the ancient capitals, but also one of the most strategic cities in the north. To defend their territory, many rulers have actively ordered to build the Great Wall here. The most visited sections of the Great Wall are Badaling, Mutianyu and Juyongguan while the popular sections with fewer tourists are Simatai, Jinshanling and the Water Pass (Shuiguan).
  • Forbidden City – The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is the second most famous landmark in Beijing. It is hard to describe how great the size of the imperial palace until you are there to witness it yourself. The Forbidden City lay at the city centre and was once served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The attraction covers 74 hectares of land that is rectangular and consists of unique and delicately structured towers, lavish architectures and more.
  • Summer Palace – Another popular Beijing attraction is the Summer Palace or also known as Yiheyuan. It was a place where the royals relaxed in the warmer months. The Summer Palace can be divided into four sections, the Court Area, Front and Rear Area of Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake Area. The attraction is popular because of its natural beauty and the grandeur of royal gardens. The palace is littered with over 3,000 man-made ancient structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, corridors and more. The activity to do here is to stroll around the large area and capture many pictures to bring home.

The capital city of the People's Republic of China, Beijing, is the centre of the nation’s politics, economics and cultures. Besides being the centre for politics, economics and cultures, Beijing is also a vital transportation hub and port of entry. This is due to the city’s location that is in the north of China with close proximity to the port city of Tianjin. Being one of the six ancient cities in China, Beijing is undeniably rich of ancient history and other discoveries to delight and intrigue travellers. The city’s modern development also makes it even more exciting to witness. Finally, if all those reasons aren't enough to finalise your decision, the city is a large rail hub – an affordable yet convenient way to travel around the city.

Best time to fly from Kalibo, Boracay to Beijing

All the major landmarks and tourist attractions in Beijing are open all year round so you can plan your itinerary any time of the year. However, if you prefer to schedule your visit during pleasant weather, then an ideal time to fly to Beijing for a vacation is during the autumn season. Autumn season lasts from September till November. This is when the skies are clear and blue, temperatures are mild and when you can avoid the hordes of domestic tourists.

Main airports available in Kalibo, Boracay and Beijing

Kalibo International Airport – Situated only 2 kilometres away from the main city of Kalibo, the Kalibo International Airport is the main terminal operating international and domestic flights to the city, its surrounding area and Boracay. Being one of two airports serving the well-known tourist destination, Boracay, the Kalibo International Airport caters flights to and from various major cities in the country and also internationally such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur.

Beijing Capital International Airport – Located approximately 32 kilometres northeast of Beijing's city centre is the primary airport serving the city of Beijing. Commonly known by its locals as Capital Airport or Beijing Airport, the Beijing Capital International Airport is one of Asia's busiest airport terminals in terms of passenger traffic. Airline carriers which operate to and from the terminal include Air China, China Southern Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Philippine Airlines, and more.

Climate Pattern in Kalibo, Boracay and Beijing

The monsoon heavily influences the city of Beijing's climate, overall, the climate is recognised as a humid continental climate. The city experiences the typical East Asian hot, humid summers and cold, windy, dry winters that is also influenced by the monsoon. Spring season can sometimes bear witness to sandstorms which hail from the Mongolian Gobi Desert. Autumn season promises the most pleasant temperatures as it is a season of transition and minimal variations.

Highlights attractions in Beijing

  • Beijing Great Wall – China’s signature landmark and attraction that is well known across the globe, Beijing Great Wall or otherwise known as the Great Wall of China, is definitely a must-do activity when you are visiting this city. The Great Wall is divided into a few sections. Some are more touristy and over-crowded, while others are underrated. In Chinese history, Beijing was not only one of the ancient capitals, but also one of the most strategic cities in the north. To defend their territory, many rulers have actively ordered to build the Great Wall here. The most visited sections of the Great Wall are Badaling, Mutianyu and Juyongguan while the popular sections with fewer tourists are Simatai, Jinshanling and the Water Pass (Shuiguan).
  • Forbidden City – The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is the second most famous landmark in Beijing. It is hard to describe how great the size of the imperial palace until you are there to witness it yourself. The Forbidden City lay at the city centre and was once served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The attraction covers 74 hectares of land that is rectangular and consists of unique and delicately structured towers, lavish architectures and more.
  • Summer Palace – Another popular Beijing attraction is the Summer Palace or also known as Yiheyuan. It was a place where the royals relaxed in the warmer months. The Summer Palace can be divided into four sections, the Court Area, Front and Rear Area of Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake Area. The attraction is popular because of its natural beauty and the grandeur of royal gardens. The palace is littered with over 3,000 man-made ancient structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, corridors and more. The activity to do here is to stroll around the large area and capture many pictures to bring home.
Flight Duration

0 hr(s) 0 mins

Airport in Kalibo - Boracay

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