Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai
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Flight from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai

Flying to Chiang Mai

Things to know before you go
Cheapest one-way flight
₱ 6,025.09
Cheapest round-trip flight
₱ 19,592.77
Cheapest month to fly
Shortest flight duration

11 hr(s), 20 mins

Traveloka helps you find cheap and promo flights to Chiang Mai (CNX)



Price from

Thai VietJet Air, Scoot
Monday, 20 May 2024
₱ 6,025.09
Cebu Pacific, Thai AirAsia
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024
₱ 6,542.97
Thai VietJet Air, Cebu Pacific
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024
₱ 6,724.11
Cebu Pacific, Bangkok Airways
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024
₱ 7,403.38
Thai Airways, Cebu Pacific
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024
₱ 7,575.98
Thai Airways, Scoot
Friday, 24 May 2024
₱ 7,778.83
Bangkok Airways, Scoot
Monday, 20 May 2024
₱ 9,410.54
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024
₱ 12,286.00
Thai VietJet Air, Jin Air
Saturday, 15 Jun 2024
₱ 12,994.56
Jin Air, Thai AirAsia
Tuesday, 04 Jun 2024
₱ 13,747.50

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Here is the cheapest month - or even day - to fly to Chiang Mai (CNX)

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai?
Planning to take off from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from ₱ 5,997.90, along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Chiang Mai?
Looking for the best deals to Chiang Mai? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Chiang Mai without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai?
Traveling from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Chiang Mai's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai?
11 hour(s) and 20 minutes is the shortest flight time from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai.

Flight from Clark - Pampanga to Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is essentially Thailand's second city, albeit much smaller and much more relaxed when compared to Bangkok. It was once the capital of the Lanna Kingdom, but now is a major draw for backpackers and travellers of all kinds, not to mention retiring ex-pats and humanitarians. Travellers would often return multiple times to Chiangmai due to energy in the city that captivates those who visit. The city itself offers plenty of things to do in the way of cooking classes, temple visits, street food, and culture. But beyond its boundaries, you'll find natural perfection, awe-inspiring animals, and unique communities deep in the mountains.

Best time to fly from Clark - Pampanga to Chiangmai

The off-peak season is in the months of late April until late October because of the much higher rain frequency as well as higher humidity. However, this could be an excellent opportunity to get reasonable offers and visit places with much lesser crowds too, since the prices will drop. Therefore, if you want to save money, you can look forward to going to Chiang Mai around this time. The peak season in Chiang Mai is during the late December to February which are the times when the temperature is much cooler, not too hot and the rain does not occur too often. The best time to visit Chiang Mai is in February and November, which is at the start and at the end of the peak season, in which the number of tourists is significantly lesser. For travellers looking to experience cultural festivals, they should plan their visits around the Loy Krathong Festival or Yi Peng that celebrates the Goddess of Water which is usually held on the full moon of the 12th month of the Thai calendar. Meanwhile, Songkran is held in mid-April in conjunction with the Thai New Year, with Chiang Mai being a popular destination for the celebration. During the first weekend of February, there will be the Chiang Mai Flower Festival which is a three-day festival to celebrate spring with a variety of flowers.

Main airports available in Clark - Pampanga and Chiangmai

Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX) – Chiang Mai International Airport or formerly known as the Suthep Airport, Chiang Mai International Airport is the primary airport of Chiang Mai as well as Lamphun which is operated by the Airports of Thailand PCL and owned by Royal Thai Air Force. Located in 60 Mahidol Rd which is about 5 kilometres away of the main city of Chiang Mai, the airport is the main gateway to Northern Thailand as well as the fourth busiest airport in Thailand, being able to accommodate 10 million passengers as of 2017. Chiang Mai International Airport has two terminals, in which one is utilized for international flights and the other is meant for handling the domestic traffic. It is the hub for Bangkok Airways, Nok Air, Thai AirAsia and Wisdom Airways with flights coming into and from Manila.

Clark–Pampanga International Airport (CRK) – Clark International Airport conveniently located in the Mabalacat - Angeles area of Pampanga. Its location makes it easy for travellers who want to avoid Manila's busy streets. The airport is also easily accessed by road from Subic, Metro Manila and North Luzon. This airport handles international and domestic flights including China Eastern Airlines, Jeju Air, Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific. Besides that, it also operates for cargo airlines like FedEx Express, UPS Airlines, and many more. The distance between this airport and the city is only about 1.1 kilometres. By taking a taxi, the taxi fare is around PHP 232.41.

Climate pattern in Clark - Pampanga and Chiangmai

The best time to visit Chiang Mai is between October-April when temperatures are warm but not stifling. You'll still want to pack a sweater in case the evenings cool off. The average daytime temperature is around 25°C, but it can dip as low as 15°C at night. If you're here in November, you'll see the Loi Krathong festivities. In April and May, things start heating up. Temperatures can soar as high as 40°C, and you'll want to pack light clothing and plenty of sunscreens. If you're not used to such stifling heat, you might find it uncomfortable for sightseeing. The rainy season takes place from June to October, when temperatures cool down, but the humidity rises. Chiang Mai doesn’t get as much rain as Southern Thailand, but you’ll still want to be prepared. It will rain for maybe an hour each day, and only rarely for days on end. The period of January to March is infamously known as the smoky season in Chiang Mai. Also known as the Burning Season, this is a time when the air quality in northern Thailand, especially Chiang Mai hits an all-time low due to several reasons. Many travellers aren't aware of this and thus have to face multiple problems.

Highlights attractions in Cairns

  • Wat Phra That Doi Suthep – This mountaintop temple is a must-see in Chiang Mai. Wat Doi Suthep's central shrine contains a much-revered seated Buddha and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. You can reach the temple by hiking up the mountain, renting a motorbike, or hopping into a songthaew (red trucks that essentially operate as communal cabs). At the base of the staircase leading up to the temple, you'll find vendors selling souvenirs, antiques, and snacks. Travellers planning to hike up to the temple need to take note that the staircase is steep. The gallery is adorned with statues of Buddha in the Chiang Mai and Sukhothai styles. The temple itself is ornate, with many representations of the Buddha, detailed dragon statues, and elephant carvings. There is also a small museum on the premises. On a clear day, you can look out over the entire city and spot the chedis atop other wats poking out among the clustered buildings. If you're wearing shorts, you will be required to put on a sarong-like wrap to cover your legs. It is advised to cover your shoulders and your legs at least past your knees when visiting any temple.
  • Elephant Nature Park – There are many elephant camps around Chiang Mai, but all are not created equal. Many have been criticized as treating the animals poorly and overworking them. Elephant Nature Park is not one of these places. Visitors are invited to spend a day volunteering with the elephants, feeding them, and bathing them in the river. Most of the elephants are rescues, having suffered as show or labour animals. Once they are rescued, they are no longer workers and are treated gently and respectfully. A day spent here is an eye-opening experience. Travellers will get to spend time up close with the elephants and learn about their plight. The cost of volunteering includes transportation and lunch, and the money goes toward maintaining the grounds and providing for the animals. Be sure to book in advance, as the volunteer spots do fill up ahead of time.
  • Sunday Walking Street - The Sunday Walking Street is a must for eating and shopping in Chiang Mai. Go early, though, if you're not one for crowds. The main market thoroughfare is Rachadamnoen Road, which begins just behind Thapae Gate, where you'll find vendors selling handcrafted lamps, dolls, soaps, jewellery, clothes, Christmas ornaments, local handicrafts, and just about every other keepsake you can imagine. As you reach the end of the first block of Rachadamnoen, you'll find yourself flanked by two temples. The courtyards of both are filled with food stalls offering a grand mix of pad Thai, Japanese curry, sushi, samosas, fried bananas, and dumplings. The market stretches the length of the road, and if you're interested in doing any shopping at all, leave yourself several hours to wander, shop, and eat. Also make sure to be patient, as the throngs can make it slow going when it comes to browsing.

Chiang Mai is essentially Thailand's second city, albeit much smaller and much more relaxed when compared to Bangkok. It was once the capital of the Lanna Kingdom, but now is a major draw for backpackers and travellers of all kinds, not to mention retiring ex-pats and humanitarians. Travellers would often return multiple times to Chiangmai due to energy in the city that captivates those who visit. The city itself offers plenty of things to do in the way of cooking classes, temple visits, street food, and culture. But beyond its boundaries, you'll find natural perfection, awe-inspiring animals, and unique communities deep in the mountains.

Best time to fly from Clark - Pampanga to Chiangmai

The off-peak season is in the months of late April until late October because of the much higher rain frequency as well as higher humidity. However, this could be an excellent opportunity to get reasonable offers and visit places with much lesser crowds too, since the prices will drop. Therefore, if you want to save money, you can look forward to going to Chiang Mai around this time. The peak season in Chiang Mai is during the late December to February which are the times when the temperature is much cooler, not too hot and the rain does not occur too often. The best time to visit Chiang Mai is in February and November, which is at the start and at the end of the peak season, in which the number of tourists is significantly lesser. For travellers looking to experience cultural festivals, they should plan their visits around the Loy Krathong Festival or Yi Peng that celebrates the Goddess of Water which is usually held on the full moon of the 12th month of the Thai calendar. Meanwhile, Songkran is held in mid-April in conjunction with the Thai New Year, with Chiang Mai being a popular destination for the celebration. During the first weekend of February, there will be the Chiang Mai Flower Festival which is a three-day festival to celebrate spring with a variety of flowers.

Main airports available in Clark - Pampanga and Chiangmai

Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX) – Chiang Mai International Airport or formerly known as the Suthep Airport, Chiang Mai International Airport is the primary airport of Chiang Mai as well as Lamphun which is operated by the Airports of Thailand PCL and owned by Royal Thai Air Force. Located in 60 Mahidol Rd which is about 5 kilometres away of the main city of Chiang Mai, the airport is the main gateway to Northern Thailand as well as the fourth busiest airport in Thailand, being able to accommodate 10 million passengers as of 2017. Chiang Mai International Airport has two terminals, in which one is utilized for international flights and the other is meant for handling the domestic traffic. It is the hub for Bangkok Airways, Nok Air, Thai AirAsia and Wisdom Airways with flights coming into and from Manila.

Clark–Pampanga International Airport (CRK) – Clark International Airport conveniently located in the Mabalacat - Angeles area of Pampanga. Its location makes it easy for travellers who want to avoid Manila's busy streets. The airport is also easily accessed by road from Subic, Metro Manila and North Luzon. This airport handles international and domestic flights including China Eastern Airlines, Jeju Air, Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific. Besides that, it also operates for cargo airlines like FedEx Express, UPS Airlines, and many more. The distance between this airport and the city is only about 1.1 kilometres. By taking a taxi, the taxi fare is around PHP 232.41.

Climate pattern in Clark - Pampanga and Chiangmai

The best time to visit Chiang Mai is between October-April when temperatures are warm but not stifling. You'll still want to pack a sweater in case the evenings cool off. The average daytime temperature is around 25°C, but it can dip as low as 15°C at night. If you're here in November, you'll see the Loi Krathong festivities. In April and May, things start heating up. Temperatures can soar as high as 40°C, and you'll want to pack light clothing and plenty of sunscreens. If you're not used to such stifling heat, you might find it uncomfortable for sightseeing. The rainy season takes place from June to October, when temperatures cool down, but the humidity rises. Chiang Mai doesn’t get as much rain as Southern Thailand, but you’ll still want to be prepared. It will rain for maybe an hour each day, and only rarely for days on end. The period of January to March is infamously known as the smoky season in Chiang Mai. Also known as the Burning Season, this is a time when the air quality in northern Thailand, especially Chiang Mai hits an all-time low due to several reasons. Many travellers aren't aware of this and thus have to face multiple problems.

Highlights attractions in Cairns

  • Wat Phra That Doi Suthep – This mountaintop temple is a must-see in Chiang Mai. Wat Doi Suthep's central shrine contains a much-revered seated Buddha and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. You can reach the temple by hiking up the mountain, renting a motorbike, or hopping into a songthaew (red trucks that essentially operate as communal cabs). At the base of the staircase leading up to the temple, you'll find vendors selling souvenirs, antiques, and snacks. Travellers planning to hike up to the temple need to take note that the staircase is steep. The gallery is adorned with statues of Buddha in the Chiang Mai and Sukhothai styles. The temple itself is ornate, with many representations of the Buddha, detailed dragon statues, and elephant carvings. There is also a small museum on the premises. On a clear day, you can look out over the entire city and spot the chedis atop other wats poking out among the clustered buildings. If you're wearing shorts, you will be required to put on a sarong-like wrap to cover your legs. It is advised to cover your shoulders and your legs at least past your knees when visiting any temple.
  • Elephant Nature Park – There are many elephant camps around Chiang Mai, but all are not created equal. Many have been criticized as treating the animals poorly and overworking them. Elephant Nature Park is not one of these places. Visitors are invited to spend a day volunteering with the elephants, feeding them, and bathing them in the river. Most of the elephants are rescues, having suffered as show or labour animals. Once they are rescued, they are no longer workers and are treated gently and respectfully. A day spent here is an eye-opening experience. Travellers will get to spend time up close with the elephants and learn about their plight. The cost of volunteering includes transportation and lunch, and the money goes toward maintaining the grounds and providing for the animals. Be sure to book in advance, as the volunteer spots do fill up ahead of time.
  • Sunday Walking Street - The Sunday Walking Street is a must for eating and shopping in Chiang Mai. Go early, though, if you're not one for crowds. The main market thoroughfare is Rachadamnoen Road, which begins just behind Thapae Gate, where you'll find vendors selling handcrafted lamps, dolls, soaps, jewellery, clothes, Christmas ornaments, local handicrafts, and just about every other keepsake you can imagine. As you reach the end of the first block of Rachadamnoen, you'll find yourself flanked by two temples. The courtyards of both are filled with food stalls offering a grand mix of pad Thai, Japanese curry, sushi, samosas, fried bananas, and dumplings. The market stretches the length of the road, and if you're interested in doing any shopping at all, leave yourself several hours to wander, shop, and eat. Also make sure to be patient, as the throngs can make it slow going when it comes to browsing.
Flight Duration

11 hr(s) 20 mins

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