Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane
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Flight from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane

Flying to Brisbane

Things to know before you go
Cheapest one-way flight
₱ 25,570.08
Cheapest month to fly
Shortest flight duration

18 hr(s), 20 mins

Traveloka helps you find cheap and promo flights to Brisbane (BNE)



Price from

Philippine Airlines
Thursday, 06 Jun 2024
₱ 25,570.08
Singapore Airlines
Thursday, 06 Jun 2024
₱ 27,933.37
Wednesday, 05 Jun 2024
₱ 30,275.06
Korean Air
Sunday, 30 Jun 2024
₱ 80,430.24
EVA Air , China Eastern Airlines
Sunday, 30 Jun 2024
₱ 81,854.25
EVA Air , Cathay Pacific
Thursday, 06 Jun 2024
₱ 162,340.20
EVA Air , Singapore Airlines
Thursday, 06 Jun 2024
₱ 216,480.34

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a flight ticket from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane?
Planning to take off from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane? Grab your ticket on Traveloka with prices starting from ₱ 48,872.00, along with additional discounts & promos that can be found on our promo page.
How early should I get to the airport for a domestic & international flight?
For domestic flights, we recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before your scheduled departure time. For international flights, aim to be at the airport at least 3 hours prior to ensure smooth check-in, security checks, and to account for any unexpected delays. It’s better to be early and relaxed than rushing at the last minute right?
When is the best time to buy airline tickets?
Timing is everything when it comes to grabbing airline tickets. Typically, it’s best to book around 4-6 weeks in advance for domestic flights and 2-3 months for international routes. But the prices also depend on the travel demand, seasonality, and major events. You can always monitor the fare trends on Traveloka and set alerts to catch the best deals or promotions!
What is the cheapest day to fly to Brisbane?
Looking for the best deals to Brisbane? Historically, midweek flights (particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays), tend to be cheaper due to lower demand. However, airfares can fluctuate so we recommend keeping an eye on flight prices and being flexible with your travel dates. Booking in advance can be one the hacks to travel to Brisbane without breaking the bank!
What information do I need to know when booking a flight?
When booking a flight, every choice sets the tone for your trip. From the preferred flight route – be it direct or with layovers – to the in-flight experience – whether you opt for a standard economy seat or a luxurious first-class journey – and understanding baggage limits, there's a lot to weigh. Other considerations include travel insurance and the airline's booking policies.
How far in advance should I book an international flight?
For international flights, it’s wise to start your search about 5-6 months ahead with the optimal booking window being around 3-4 months before departure. This period often provides a balance between good fares and a reasonable choice of flight times and routes. But please note that several factors such as destination popularity, peak travel season, and regional major events can influence the timeline.
Do I need a passport and visa to fly between Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane?
Traveling from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane typically requires specific documents. For international flights, a passport is almost always necessary. However, for domestic flights, neither a passport nor a visa is usually required, but an official ID will be needed. The necessity of a visa depends on the traveler's citizenship and Brisbane's entry regulations. It's crucial to verify visa requirements, as rules can differ between countries.
Why should I book my flight with Traveloka?
Booking flight tickets with Traveloka can feel like diving into an ocean of options! Our platform provides the most comprehensive choices to ensure you find the perfect flight for your adventure. With our smooth booking process, you'll also be provided with a variety of payment methods. Anxious about transacting online? We've got you covered with our top-tier security for each transaction! With Traveloka, your flight booking journey becomes hassle-free!
How long does it take to fly from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane?
18 hour(s) and 20 minutes is the shortest flight time from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane.

Flight from Clark - Pampanga to Brisbane

Brisbane, the capital and also the third most populous city in Australia is also known as Brisse by the locals. Brisbane also happens to be the oldest city in Australia where it used to be on the ancient homeland of the indigenous. Now the city that was named after the Brisbane River has become a metropolitan area. It is well known as the city that has a fantastic climate and is near perfect all year long. It is also known as being nearby to many of Queensland's major tourist's destinations.

Best time to fly from Clark – Pampanga to Brisbane

Brisbane has become one of the cities that is famously known to have weather that is perfect all year long. However, an even better time to visit the city would be between March to May. During these months, Brisbane is experiencing their autumn season. There will be little rainfall that will cool off the heat from the sun while other times the sun will shine brightly. There will also not be that many tourists during this season. Tourists will flock the city from June to November. This is also since there is a Brisbane Festival held in September. Therefore accommodations will be very hard to come by during this month and tourists are advised to plan in advance.

Main airports available in Clark – Pampanga to Brisbane

Clark International Airport – Clark International is an airport that serves the Central Luzon area. It is located in Pampanga, which is between the city of Angeles and also Mabalacat. It is also located within the Clark Freeport Zone. The airport got its name from the Clark Air Force Base which happens to be the largest overseas base of the United States Air Force. With the latest expansion, the airport now may accommodate up to 1 million passengers. The airport also has facilities to accommodate cargo flights. Those from Manila will need to fly to different parts of Philippines first such as Cebu, Cagayan de Oro or Puerto Princesa where only then are they able to fly to Clark. Some of the airlines that operate here are Philippines Airlines, Scoot, Royal Air Philippines, Korean Air and many more.

Brisbane Airport – The Brisbane Airport is the airport that serves the area of Brisbane as well as the South East of Queensland. This airport has been reported to be the fifth best performing large-sized airport in the world. It is also the main airport that connects the Australian state. There is a Brisbane Airtrain that connects the airport to the city centre of Brisbane. The airport has two terminals; domestic and also international. By using Philippines Airlines, tourists from Manila may fly directly to Brisbane. Other airlines that operate in this airport are Malindo Air, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and many more.

Climate pattern in Clark – Pampanga and Brisbane

Brisbane has a humid subtropical climate. With this, the summers are very hot and wet while the winters are dry and only moderately warm. During summer the temperature may rise to 33 degrees Celcius while during winter it is only 22 degrees Celcius. Brisbane, unfortunately, faces thunderstorm commonly especially in the southern area where it is the tropical cyclone risk zone.

Highlights attractions in Brisbane

  • Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary – As the country that is famous for having Koalas, Brisbane has Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary where tourists may come and see many Australian animals here. Some of them are kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, dingoes and even crocodiles. Here tourists may see platypus feeding, barn animal encounters and even shearing shows. Not to mention a moment with the koala.
  • Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mount Coot-tha – This garden is another famous attraction in Brisbane. It has a serene environment with a prime picnic area. It is only 7 kilometres away from the city centre. It has Japanese gardens, an area for fragrant plants, bamboo, cactus, indigenous plants and many more. Here tourists may also see a panoramic view of the entire city.
  • River Cruises – Brisbane is a big city and the best way to explore and see the beauty of the city is by taking the river cruise. It glides over the Brisbane River. There will be a guide to narrate the background of the attractions they see. Some of the attractions that can be seen are the University of Queensland, riverside mansions and parklands.

Brisbane, the capital and also the third most populous city in Australia is also known as Brisse by the locals. Brisbane also happens to be the oldest city in Australia where it used to be on the ancient homeland of the indigenous. Now the city that was named after the Brisbane River has become a metropolitan area. It is well known as the city that has a fantastic climate and is near perfect all year long. It is also known as being nearby to many of Queensland's major tourist's destinations.

Best time to fly from Clark – Pampanga to Brisbane

Brisbane has become one of the cities that is famously known to have weather that is perfect all year long. However, an even better time to visit the city would be between March to May. During these months, Brisbane is experiencing their autumn season. There will be little rainfall that will cool off the heat from the sun while other times the sun will shine brightly. There will also not be that many tourists during this season. Tourists will flock the city from June to November. This is also since there is a Brisbane Festival held in September. Therefore accommodations will be very hard to come by during this month and tourists are advised to plan in advance.

Main airports available in Clark – Pampanga to Brisbane

Clark International Airport – Clark International is an airport that serves the Central Luzon area. It is located in Pampanga, which is between the city of Angeles and also Mabalacat. It is also located within the Clark Freeport Zone. The airport got its name from the Clark Air Force Base which happens to be the largest overseas base of the United States Air Force. With the latest expansion, the airport now may accommodate up to 1 million passengers. The airport also has facilities to accommodate cargo flights. Those from Manila will need to fly to different parts of Philippines first such as Cebu, Cagayan de Oro or Puerto Princesa where only then are they able to fly to Clark. Some of the airlines that operate here are Philippines Airlines, Scoot, Royal Air Philippines, Korean Air and many more.

Brisbane Airport – The Brisbane Airport is the airport that serves the area of Brisbane as well as the South East of Queensland. This airport has been reported to be the fifth best performing large-sized airport in the world. It is also the main airport that connects the Australian state. There is a Brisbane Airtrain that connects the airport to the city centre of Brisbane. The airport has two terminals; domestic and also international. By using Philippines Airlines, tourists from Manila may fly directly to Brisbane. Other airlines that operate in this airport are Malindo Air, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and many more.

Climate pattern in Clark – Pampanga and Brisbane

Brisbane has a humid subtropical climate. With this, the summers are very hot and wet while the winters are dry and only moderately warm. During summer the temperature may rise to 33 degrees Celcius while during winter it is only 22 degrees Celcius. Brisbane, unfortunately, faces thunderstorm commonly especially in the southern area where it is the tropical cyclone risk zone.

Highlights attractions in Brisbane

  • Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary – As the country that is famous for having Koalas, Brisbane has Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary where tourists may come and see many Australian animals here. Some of them are kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, dingoes and even crocodiles. Here tourists may see platypus feeding, barn animal encounters and even shearing shows. Not to mention a moment with the koala.
  • Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mount Coot-tha – This garden is another famous attraction in Brisbane. It has a serene environment with a prime picnic area. It is only 7 kilometres away from the city centre. It has Japanese gardens, an area for fragrant plants, bamboo, cactus, indigenous plants and many more. Here tourists may also see a panoramic view of the entire city.
  • River Cruises – Brisbane is a big city and the best way to explore and see the beauty of the city is by taking the river cruise. It glides over the Brisbane River. There will be a guide to narrate the background of the attractions they see. Some of the attractions that can be seen are the University of Queensland, riverside mansions and parklands.
Flight Duration

18 hr(s) 20 mins

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