Triangle Palms Siargao

Area Akomodasi
Lihat Peta
Back Road behind Villa Cecilia, Catangnan, General Luna, Surigao del Norte, General Luna, Siargao Islands, Surigao del Norte, Philippines, 8419

Fasilitas Utama

Triangle Palms Siargao is a resort in a good neighborhood, which is located at Catangnan. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Info Lokasi di sekitar Triangle Palms Siargao

Temukan Tempat Lainnya
Back Road behind Villa Cecilia, Catangnan, General Luna, Surigao del Norte, General Luna, Siargao Islands, Surigao del Norte, Philippines, 8419
Lobi Triangle Palms Siargao
Bangunan 2 Triangle Palms Siargao

Lebih Lanjut tentang Triangle Palms Siargao


Triangle Palms Siargao is a resort in a good neighborhood, which is located at Catangnan.

The resort is located only 2.35 km away from General Luna Pier.

Not only well positioned, but Triangle Palms Siargao is also one of resorts near the following Sohoton Park within 35.08 km and General Luna Pier within 2.35 km.

About Triangle Palms Siargao

Not only located within easy reach of various places of interests for your adventure, but staying at Triangle Palms Siargao will also give you a pleasant stay.

Triangle Palms Siargao is highly recommended for backpackers who want to get an affordable stay yet comfortable at the same time.

For you, travelers who wish to travel comfortably on a budget, Triangle Palms Siargao is the perfect place to stay that provides decent facilities as well as great services.

Have fun with various entertaining facilities for you and the whole family at Triangle Palms Siargao, a wonderful accommodation for your family holiday.

This resort is the best spot for you who desire a serene and peaceful getaway, far away from the crowds.

While traveling with friends can be a lot of fun, traveling solo has its own perks. As for the accommodation, Triangle Palms Siargao is suitable for you who value privacy during your stay.

Splendid service together with wide range of facilities provided will make you complain for nothing during your stay at Triangle Palms Siargao.

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Triangle Palms Siargao is a resort with great comfort and excellent service according to most resort's guests.

With all facilities offered, Triangle Palms Siargao is the right place to stay.

Semua Fasilitas di Triangle Palms Siargao

Fasilitas Hiburan Triangle Palms Siargao
Fasilitas Hiburan
Lobi Triangle Palms Siargao
Bangunan Triangle Palms Siargao


  • Ruang keluarga
  • AC
  • Area bebas asap rokok
  • Teras
  • Alat pemanas

Kegiatan Lainnya

  • Layanan pijat
  • Taman
  • Aktivitas outdoor

Servis Hotel

  • Resepsionis
  • Jasa tur
  • Penitipan bagasi

Fasilitas Kamar

  • Meja
  • Pancuran


  • Penyewaan sepeda


  • WiFi gratis


  • Pancuran aksesibel bagi penyandang disabilitas

Fasilitas Publik

  • WiFi di area umum

Fasilitas Terdekat

  • ATM/Bank

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Triangle Palms Siargao

Catatan Penting
Berencana check-in di luar waktu check-in biasanya (seperti di pagi hari atau tengah malam)? Anda dapat mengatur waktu check-in secara langsung dengan properti ini.

Waktu Check-in/Check-out

14:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 10:00
Hotel policy is not yet available.

Informasi Umum

Fasilitas Populer
AC, WiFi
Waktu Check-In/Check-Out
14:00 - 19:00 - 08:00 - 10:00

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Triangle Palms Siargao

Fasilitas apa saja yang tersedia di Triangle Palms Siargao?
Triangle Palms Siargao memiliki fasilitas terbaik seperti: AC, WiFi. (Beberapa fasilitas lain mungkin memerlukan biaya tambahan)
Kapan waktu check-in & check-out di Triangle Palms Siargao?
Waktu untuk check-in di Triangle Palms Siargao adalah mulai dari pukul 14:00 - 19:00 sedangkan waktu check-out paling lambat pukul 08:00 - 10:00

Review dari Tamu Lainnya di Triangle Palms Siargao

Paling Membantu
Bahasa Inggris
Tampilkan Ulasan dengan Foto
Agustina T.
/ 10
17 Nov 2019
Tempat yang bagus. Tuan rumah yang bagus. Terima kasih, alexis dan rekan!
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Lobi Triangle Palms Siargao


Disclaimer: Adalah tanggung jawab hotel untuk memastikan akurasi foto hotel. tidak bertanggung jawab atas ketidak-akuratan foto hotel. Harga kamar yang ditampilkan adalah untuk tamu dewasa. Anak-anak mungkin akan dianggap sebagai tamu dewasa dan dikenakan biaya penuh kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya. Harga kamar belum termasuk sarapan dan sarapan akan dikenakan biaya oleh hotel kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya.