Xperience/Jepang/Kanto/Tokyo/Taito/Ueno/Yakiniku LIKE Kuroge Wagyu Beef Course | Hyogo, Tokyo, Japan

Yakiniku LIKE Kuroge Wagyu Beef Course | Hyogo, Tokyo, Japan

Yakiniku LIKE Ueno branch (焼肉ライク 上野店)
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Rp 339.521

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Try out the fast food concept in refreshing "Yakiniku LIKE"! Feast yourself on delicious Yakiniku cuisine including Wagyu and other fresh ingredients. Enjoy perfect in-store ventilation with a smoke-free grill. "Yakiniku LIKE" is just a few minutes walk from Ueno Station.

Taste delicious Yakiniku including Wagyu and other fresh ingredients
Feast yourself in a refreshing fast food concept restaurant of Yakiniku cuisine
Enjoy perfect in-store ventilation with a smoke-free grill
Access conveniently near Ueno Station

— What You Can Expect — 


Try out the fast food concept in refreshing "Yakiniku LIKE"! Feast yourself on Yakiniku cuisine including Wagyu and other fresh ingredients. Enjoy a sizzling hot Yakiniku all on your own. Enjoy perfect in-store ventilation with a smoke-free grill provided for each diner. Each seat is equipped with an automatic water dispenser providing you with complete services just like your dedicated cabin! Access to "Yakiniku LIKE" conveniently as it is located near Ueno Station.

— Course Introduction —

Yakiniku LIKE: Kuroge Wagyu Beef ribs whole beef set meal
Wagyu beef brisket (40g), beef diaphragm (60g), beef tenderloin (60g), 4 slices of beef tongue, beef large intestine (50g), rice, kimchi, soup, Korean style lettuce salad (small), Oolong Tea

Yakiniku LIKE & Kuroge Wagyu beef brisket set meal (picture is for reference only)

Enjoy a sizzling hot Yakiniku all on your own! Each diner is offered a smoke-free grill!

TASTY! QUICK! VALUE! A fast food concept restaurant of Yakiniku cuisine

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Detail Lokasi

Yakiniku LIKE Ueno branch (焼肉ライク 上野店)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga voucher Yakiniku LIKE Kuroge Wagyu Beef Course
Hyogo, Tokyo, Japan?
Kapan jam operasional Yakiniku LIKE Kuroge Wagyu Beef Course
Hyogo, Tokyo, Japan?
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk Yakiniku LIKE Kuroge Wagyu Beef Course
Hyogo, Tokyo, Japan?