Xperience/Indonesia/Sulawesi Tenggara/Wakatobi/Kaledupa/Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour

Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour

Pulau Hoga, Ambeua Raya, Kaledupa, Wakatobi Regency, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
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Jadwal Tur Paling Dekat | Sen, 10 Jun 2024
Durasi Tur | 6 Hari
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Mulai dari

Rp 2.600.000

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Experience a pleasant and peaceful holiday at Hoga Island
Explore the underwater marine life at different dive sites each day
Discover vibrant coral reefs, myriad of shrimps, and range of unique species of fishes as you dive
Enjoy the spectacular ocean view while chilling on the pristine white sandy beach

You deserve a pleasant and peaceful time once in a while. Experience them for 6 days and 5 nights at Hoga Island by joining this tour. You will be picked up directly from the airport, then go to the first dive site in the afternoon. Explore the underwater marine life from different dive sites on the following day where you are going to discover vibrant coral reefs, myriad of shrimps, and also range of unique species of fishes you can only found in the deep ocean. Chill by the beach on your last day at the pristine white sandy beach while enjoying the spectacular ocean view.

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Jadwal Tur

15:30-16:00 Pick up at the airport and drop off at the hotel
16:00-16:30 Check in
16:30-17:45 Check Dive / Dive 1 at Cemara dive Site
17:45-19:00 Free time
19:00-20:00 Dinner
20:00-23:59 Rest

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Detail Lokasi

Pulau Hoga, Ambeua Raya, Kaledupa, Wakatobi Regency, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga paket tour Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour?
Harga paket tour untuk Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour mulai dari Rp 2.600.000. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour?
Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour tersedia di tanggal 10 Jun 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.
Berapa lama durasi Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour?
Durasi tour Dive Trip Hoga Island - 6D5N Tour adalah 6 Hari. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 2.600.000.
Tanggal Tersedia
10 Jun 2024.
6 Hari.
Pulau Hoga, Ambeua Raya, Kaledupa, Wakatobi Regency, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia