On-Time Protection

Delays are unavoidable. Book your flight with us and we can protect your travel from flight delay inconveniences.

Now available on Traveloka

$label 600K after 90 min delay No questions asked
$label Instant claim No paperwork
$label Simplicity Easy purchase & affordable premium

Get On-Time Protection with ease

Choose your flight

Go to Traveloka website or open your Traveloka app, and pick your flight

Select Insurance checkbox

Fill in the contact information needed and select On Time Protection option

Submit Payment Process

Complete your payment through the selected method

Your flight is protected

Your insurance certificate will be sent to your email

Claim On-Time Protection with ease

Instant notification

You will be notified via SMS and email when your flight disruption is eligible for claim

Submit your bank account

Open the attached URL, and fill in your bank account information for the claim payment

Claim payment is transferred

To your bank account in 3 days

What to do if I don’t receive the claim notification?

In the event of a flight delay more than 90 minutes, but there is no notification received, then the Insured may process the claim manually.

Please submit the claim documents listed below:

$label Claim form Original
$label Identity card / KTP Copy
$label Flight ticket Copy
$label Boarding pass Copy
$label Confirmation letter Original

Claim payout will be processed within 2 working days after all the claim documents have been received. You can get your manual claim form here

Contact our insurance provider


PT Asuransi Simas Insurtech

Plaza Simas, Gedung 1

Jl. KH Fachrudin No. 18, Jakarta 10250

Phone (021) 5050 7777

WhatsApp 088-110-90888

Email info@simasinsurtech.com